Letter of John Marten to Master Jones

Oxfordshire History Centre: MS Oxon. Archd. Papers, Oxon.c.174

ff [1–1v] (1 February)

Mr Iones, though as yett I am vnknowne to you yett I am bold to entreate you, to be my proctour & to putt into the Court, by way of Articles, against Thomas Hall Churchwarden of New- Windsor, Inkeeper. these particulars following.

That the said Thomas Hall is a common swearer blasphemer & curser, not onelie in priuate houses but also in the open streetes to the great offence & greife of many.

That the said Thomas Hall vsuallie receiueth the holie sacrament of the Lords supper but once in the yeare.

That the ‸⸢said Thomas⸣ hath maintayned playing at pigeon holes, many ste Saterdayes together both in the last yeare 1619, & also in this yeare 1620 in the tyme of Euening prayer neare to the Church yard wall.

That the said Thomas vpon Easter munday last in the tyme of Euening prayer was present at a play with many others, at the signe of the Georg in Windsor, so that through his example few persons were present at diuine seruice

That the said Thomas, vpon the feast day of the Ascention of Christ, last past, did procure bricklayers to en mend vp the Churchyard wall & suffered Carpenters to worke that whole day in the markett place; oftens accompanying them./.

That the said Thomas, at the celebration of the holie sacrament of the Lords supper did with a lowde voyce, expostulate, chyde & wrangle with one Robert Michener a poore labouring man & with Clement his wife: adding moreouer these words, except you pay your 2 d. come no more here, & also adding this threatning I will talke with you in another place: as that not onelie the said Robert & Clement his wife, were much greiued, being readie to receiue the holie sacrament, but also the minister & diuerse Communicants, were greatlie disturbed.

That the said Thomas Hall vpon the feast day | of the Ascention last past, when one of the morrice dauncers had leaped & daunced in the face of the minister standing in his owne doore; did before a great number of people revile & abuse the minister with these reprothfull speaches scilicet that the morrice dauncers should dance before his doore, & before his face in spite of him & in spite of his teeth, & that they would ridd the towne of him; asking him disdainfullie what he was, with many other threatning speeches.

I pray you Mr Iones after that you haue thus Articled against the said Thomas Hall, take out a Commission to examine witnesses, (which I haue many) to proove these Articles: & vpon your letter sent to me by Ockingham or the Carrier; I will send what fees you write to be due; as also the names of my Commisioners. when I know how many Commissioners are required; then also I will write to you about interrogatories; & other particulars vpon your direction; thus no defying your best furtherance in an honest cause; with hartie commendations to you & my prayers to god for you. I ende & rest

Feb . 1 . 1620. from New Windsor

Your vnknowne, yet loving
(signed) Iohn Marten, vicar
of New Windsor
  • Marginalia
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
  • Footnotes
    • of the: also written as catchwords on f [1]
    • reprothfull: t for c or tc
  • Endnote

    I am grateful to Michael Heaney of the Bodleian Library for drawing this document to my attention.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Letter of John Marten to Master Jones
    Repository: Oxfordshire History Centre
    Shelfmark: MS Oxon. Archd. Papers, Oxon.c.174
    Repository location: Oxford

    1 February 1620/1; English; paper; bifolium; writing on ff [1–1v], endorsed on f [2v]; 285mm x 170mm; good condition (small tear at centre outside edge of f 200v where seal (with initials R.E.) affixed; orange seal intact at inner edge of f [2v]; endorsed: 'To my loving friend Mr Jones, one of the proctours in the officialls Court for barkshyre. | Mr Martin of Windsore.' Now foliated 199–200 in modern pencil and mounted on a binding strip and bound with other archdeaconry court papers in modern light brown cloth over board with gold stamped title on spine: 'ALLEGATIONS, | DEPOSITIONS, | &c. | 1617–1620.'

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