f 109v (20 June)
...Item ordinamus & statuimus ac voluntate nostra permittimus quod missa in ffesto sancte Crucis mense Maij pro ffraternitate eiusdem processio vna cum missa solempni in die dominico sequenti ac cetera antiquitus consueta secundum antiquam consuetudinem ex nunc hactenus inviolabiliter celebratur dum tamen processio huiusmodi fiat sancte & deuote nec sint ibi homines laruati aut effigies dyabolica comitantes....
f 109v (20 June)
...Likewise we ordain and establish and by our will permit that on the mass on the feast of the Holy Cross in the month of May for the brotherhood of the same, the procession together with the solemn mass on the Sunday following and the other things customary from ancient times according to ancient custom, from now on as hitherto shall be celebrated without hindrance, provided that a procession of this sort nevertheless be done in holy and devout manner and that there be no masked people or diabolic effigies accompanying...
Record title: Register of Robert Neville, Bishop of Salisbury
Repository: Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
Shelfmark: D1/2/9
Repository location: Chippenham
1427–38; Latin; parchment; iii + 216 + ii; 355mm x 266mm; numbering irregular: ff 1–80 in modern pencil replacing contemporary ink numbering to f lxxiiij, numbering begins again ff 1–115 in 18th-c. ink, f 116 unnumbered, f 117 numbered f 116, ff 118–36 in modern pencil; some large ornate initials; little damage or repair; modern buckle intact, bound in brown cloth- covered boards, modern black leather spine, stamped on spine: 'EP:REG: | NEVILL | 1427–1438.' A heavy parchment sheet, 515mm x 170mm, containing a short index written in 18th-c. script is sewn in at the second run of foliation, f 2, with a contemporary index, ff 3v–6.