mb [1d] (18 October) (View of frankpledge)
presentant quod Warennarius debet
custodire vnum
apud Cokeham Stone in
assumpcionis beate Marie
<..>t non custodiuit vt
antiqua consuetudo fuit ideo
ipse in misericordia xx d.
mb [1d] (18 October) (View of frankpledge)
Likewise they present that the warrener ought to hold a play at Cookham Stone on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was not held according to ancient custom. Therefore, he is 20d in amercement. ...
Cookham Stone is a large sarsen stone now called the Tarry Stone (Tyack et al, Berkshire, p 253). Mattingly identifies it as a 'boundary stone that marked the extent of the Abbot of Cirencester's property in Cookham' ('Lollards Stop Play?,' p 101). In the same article she states that the warrener 'was an important royal official of the ancient demesne manor of Cookham and senior to the manorially appointed tithingman who prosecuted him' (p 100).
Record title: Cookham Manor Court Leet (View of
Shelfmark: D/ESK/M27
Repository location: Reading
1506; Latin; parchment; 2 membranes stitched together at the top; mb 1: 705mm x 274mm written on 2 sides top to bottom, mb 2: 755mm x 270–80mm written on 1 side; unnumbered; on mb [2d] in the centre: 'Cokeham | Rotuli Cure Annorum RR | Henrici septimi | Cokeham.'