f 168 (3 November)
domini contra willelmum
hames de Aldwoorth et Iohannem
citatus hames, perquisitus Wooddenton
iurati et moniti etc they denie that
there was anie pyping or dansing in the
churche yearde at anie tyme but sayethe vpon a
tyme when the parson was preaching there weare
some strangers that had mistrelles there and made mearye but left
playing when they weare commaunded they
have not levied enie monie of the
absentes from the churche for than theye
come orderlye as theye ought to doo ⸢so farre as they <...>⸣ the
legaccie of hallffe a crowne is payed Ad reparandum
ecclesiam citra natalle
domini proximum et ad
certificandum proximo die
iuridico postea dimissi
f 168 (3 November)
The lord's office against William Hames of Aldworth and John Wooddenton
Hames has been cited (and) Wooddenton summoned. They have been sworn and warned, etc (English) to repair the church before next Christmas and (they were admonished) to certify on the next court day. Afterwards, they were dismissed.
Record title: Archdeaconry of Berkshire Act Book
Shelfmark: D/A2/c16
Repository location: Reading
1578–81; Latin and English; paper; 183 leaves (including end-papers); 290mm x 196mm; modern pencil foliation; original parchment front cover f 2; end cover missing, title stamped in gold on spine: 'LIBER | ACTORUM | 1578-1581 | Berks | c.16.'