play books

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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1552, Hampshire, Bishopstoke. John Bale, Expostulation againste a Franticke Papist. STC: 1294 1552 Hampshire, Bishopstoke John Bale, Expostulation againste a Franticke Papist STC: 1294
16th Century, Hampshire, Freefolk. Description of a Morality Play. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/A9/2/1 16th Century Hampshire, Freefolk Description of a Morality Play Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/A9/2/1
1601, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Richard Paulet's Accounts for his Ward, Thomas Jervoise. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/129 1601 Hampshire, Freefolk Sir Richard Paulet's Accounts for his Ward, Thomas Jervoise Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/129
1602, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Richard Paulet's Accounts for his Ward, Thomas Jervoise. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/130 1602 Hampshire, Freefolk Sir Richard Paulet's Accounts for his Ward, Thomas Jervoise Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/130
1607, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Richard Paulet's Household Accounts. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/40 1607 Hampshire, Freefolk Sir Richard Paulet's Household Accounts Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/40
1608, Hampshire, Freefolk. Sir Richard Paulet's Household Accounts. Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/40 1608 Hampshire, Freefolk Sir Richard Paulet's Household Accounts Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO: 44M69/E4/40
1408–9, Hampshire, Winchester. City Court Papers. HRO: W/D1/110 1408–9 Hampshire, Winchester City Court Papers HRO: W/D1/110
1615, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Articles of Grievance by Players against Philip Henslowe. Dulwich College: MS I 1615 Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse Articles of Grievance by Players against Philip Henslowe Dulwich College: MS I
1615, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Fennor's Defence. STC: 10783 1615 Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse Fennor's Defence STC: 10783
1506–7, Berkshire, Reading. St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts. BRO: D/P 97/5/2 1506–7 Berkshire, Reading St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts BRO: D/P 97/5/2
1533–4, Berkshire, Reading. St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts. BRO: D/P 97/5/2 1533–4 Berkshire, Reading St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts BRO: D/P 97/5/2
1535–6, Berkshire, Reading. St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts. BRO: D/P 97/5/2 1535–6 Berkshire, Reading St Laurence's Churchwardens' Accounts BRO: D/P 97/5/2
1499–1500, Cambridgeshire, Bassingbourn. Sts Peter and Paul Churchwardens' Accounts. Cambridgeshire Archives: P 11/5/2 1499–1500 Cambridgeshire, Bassingbourn Sts Peter and Paul Churchwardens' Accounts Cambridgeshire Archives: P 11/5/2
1511, Cambridgeshire, Bassingbourn. Sts Peter and Paul Churchwardens' Accounts. Cambridgeshire Archives: P 11/5/2 1511 Cambridgeshire, Bassingbourn Sts Peter and Paul Churchwardens' Accounts Cambridgeshire Archives: P 11/5/2
1598/9, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Lord Admiral's Men Inventories (A). Malone: 'Rise and Progress' 1598/9 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Lord Admiral's Men Inventories (A) Malone: 'Rise and Progress'

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