earl of Leicester's players, 14th

Related Records

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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1561–2, Hampshire, Southampton. Steward's Accounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/43 1561–2 Hampshire, Southampton Steward's Accounts Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/43
1569–70, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Fines. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 1569–70 Hampshire, Southampton Book of Fines Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1
1574–5, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Fines. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 1574–5 Hampshire, Southampton Book of Fines Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1
1576–7, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Fines. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 1576–7 Hampshire, Southampton Book of Fines Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1
1581–2, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Fines. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 1581–2 Hampshire, Southampton Book of Fines Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1
1586–7, Hampshire, Southampton. Book of Fines. Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1 1586–7 Hampshire, Southampton Book of Fines Southampton City Archives: SC5/3/1
1569–70, Berkshire, Abingdon. Chamberlains' Books. BRO: TEMP ACC 245/174 1569–70 Berkshire, Abingdon Chamberlains' Books BRO: TEMP ACC 245/174
1585–6, Berkshire, Abingdon. Chamberlains' Books. BRO: TEMP ACC 245/175 1585–6 Berkshire, Abingdon Chamberlains' Books BRO: TEMP ACC 245/175
1587–8, Berkshire, Reading. Chamberlains' Accounts. BRO: R/FA2/75 1587–8 Berkshire, Reading Chamberlains' Accounts BRO: R/FA2/75
1577/8, Cambridgeshire, Kirtling. John North's Private Accounts. Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193 1577/8 Cambridgeshire, Kirtling John North's Private Accounts Bodl.: MS. Add. C. 193
1578–9, Cambridgeshire, Kirtling. Lady North's Household Accounts. BL: Stowe MS 774, vol I 1578–9 Cambridgeshire, Kirtling Lady North's Household Accounts BL: Stowe MS 774, vol I
1580, Cambridgeshire, Kirtling. Lady North's Household Accounts. BL: Stowe MS 774, vol I 1580 Cambridgeshire, Kirtling Lady North's Household Accounts BL: Stowe MS 774, vol I
1585, Cambridgeshire, Kirtling. Lord North's Household Accounts. BL: Stowe MS 774, vol II 1585 Cambridgeshire, Kirtling Lord North's Household Accounts BL: Stowe MS 774, vol II

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