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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1469–70, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/9 1469–70 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/9
1326–7, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1326–7 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1329–30, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1329–30 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1330–1, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1330–1 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1332–3, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1332–3 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1333–4, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1333–4 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1334–5, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1334–5 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1335–6, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1335–6 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1336–7, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/1 1336–7 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/1
1381–2, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/3 1381–2 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/3
1399–1400, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/2 1399–1400 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/2
1401–2, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/5 1401–2 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/5
15th Century, Hampshire, Winchester. Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/8/2 15th Century Hampshire, Winchester Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/8/2
1401–2, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Hall Book. Winchester College Archives: 22815 1401–2 Hampshire, Winchester Winchester College Hall Book Winchester College Archives: 22815
1405–6, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/6 1405–6 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/6
1405–6, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Bursars' Accounts. Winchester College Archives: 22088 1405–6 Hampshire, Winchester Winchester College Bursars' Accounts Winchester College Archives: 22088
1408–9, Hampshire, Winchester. Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/8/1 1408–9 Hampshire, Winchester Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/8/1
1409–10, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/7 1409–10 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/7
1412–13, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Bursars' Accounts. Winchester College Archives: 22094 1412–13 Hampshire, Winchester Winchester College Bursars' Accounts Winchester College Archives: 22094
1413–14, Hampshire, Winchester. Almoner's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/1/19 1413–14 Hampshire, Winchester Almoner's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/1/19
1416–17, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/3 1416–17 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/3
1416–17, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Hall Book. Winchester College Archives: 22821 1416–17 Hampshire, Winchester Winchester College Hall Book Winchester College Archives: 22821
1422–3, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/4 1422–3 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/4
1427–8, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/5 1427–8 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/5
1432–3, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/6 1432–3 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/6
1432, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Inventory. Winchester College Archives: 21866 1432 Hampshire, Winchester Winchester College Inventory Winchester College Archives: 21866
1451–2, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/8 1451–2 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/8
1457–8, Hampshire, Winchester. Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/8/3 1457–8 Hampshire, Winchester Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/8/3
1458–9, Hampshire, Winchester. Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/8/4 1458–9 Hampshire, Winchester Keeper of the Works' Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/8/4
1477–8, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/7 1477–8 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/7
1482–3, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/3/8 1482–3 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlain's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/3/8
1484–5, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/10 1484–5 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/10
1495–6, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/11 1495–6 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/11
1497–8, Hampshire, Winchester. Curtarian and Cellarer's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/4/5 1497–8 Hampshire, Winchester Curtarian and Cellarer's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/4/5
1513–14, Hampshire, Winchester. Diet or Refectorian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/5/2 1513–14 Hampshire, Winchester Diet or Refectorian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/5/2
1521–2, Hampshire, Winchester. Winchester College Inventory. Winchester College Archives: 21868 1521–2 Hampshire, Winchester Winchester College Inventory Winchester College Archives: 21868
1532–3, Hampshire, Winchester. Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/6/12 1532–3 Hampshire, Winchester Hordarian's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/6/12
1536–7, Hampshire, Winchester. Sacrist's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory. HRO: DC/A5/10/1 1536–7 Hampshire, Winchester Sacrist's Accounts of St Swithun's Priory HRO: DC/A5/10/1
1552, Hampshire, Winchester. Inventory of Winchester Cathedral. TNA: E 315/494/2 1552 Hampshire, Winchester Inventory of Winchester Cathedral TNA: E 315/494/2
1345–6, Berkshire, Reading. Account Roll of Brother John de Chippenham. BL: Additional Ch. 19641 1345–6 Berkshire, Reading Account Roll of Brother John de Chippenham BL: Additional Ch. 19641
1306, Staffordshire, Lichfield. Longdon Manorial Court Roll. STRO: D(W)1734/J. 2057 1306 Staffordshire, Lichfield Longdon Manorial Court Roll STRO: D(W)1734/J. 2057
1342, Staffordshire, Lichfield. Lichfield Cathedral Sacrist's Roll. LRO: D 30/7/1/1 1342 Staffordshire, Lichfield Lichfield Cathedral Sacrist's Roll LRO: D 30/7/1/1
1522, Staffordshire, Lichfield. Dean and Chapter Act Book. Lichfield Cathedral Library: Chapter Act Books No. 3 1522 Staffordshire, Lichfield Dean and Chapter Act Book Lichfield Cathedral Library: Chapter Act Books No. 3

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