master of the bears, bulls, and mastiff dogs

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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1581/2, Southwark, Sewers. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court Minutes and Orders. LMA: SKCS/018 1581/2 Southwark, Sewers Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court Minutes and Orders LMA: SKCS/018
1583, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Stubbes, Anatomie of Abuses. STC: 23376 1583 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Stubbes, Anatomie of Abuses STC: 23376
1583/4, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1583/4 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1583/4, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1583/4 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1584, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1584 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1584, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1584 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1584, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1584 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1584, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1584 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1584, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1584 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1584, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape. TNA: REQ 2/177/35 1584 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Court of Requests: Edward Bowes v. John Digges and John Gape TNA: REQ 2/177/35
1590, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Thomas Burnaby's Lease of the Bear Garden to Richard Reve. TNA: C 146/8581 1590 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Thomas Burnaby's Lease of the Bear Garden to Richard Reve TNA: C 146/8581
1598, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Philip Henslowe's Letter to Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS I 1598 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Philip Henslowe's Letter to Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS I
1598, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Philip Henslowe's Letter to Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS II 1598 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Philip Henslowe's Letter to Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS II
1598, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Arthur Langworth's Letter to Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS II 1598 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Arthur Langworth's Letter to Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS II
Early 17th Century, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Letter from Sir William Faunt to Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS II Early 17th Century Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Letter from Sir William Faunt to Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS II
1602, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Acquittance for the Bear Garden. Dulwich College: MS VII 1602 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Acquittance for the Bear Garden Dulwich College: MS VII
1601/2, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Richard Lefwicke's Acquittance for the Bear Garden. Dulwich College: MS II 1601/2 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Richard Lefwicke's Acquittance for the Bear Garden Dulwich College: MS II
1604, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Royal Patent to Henslowe and Alleyn for the Office of Master of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs. TNA: C 66/1648 1604 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Royal Patent to Henslowe and Alleyn for the Office of Master of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs TNA: C 66/1648
1604, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Mastership of Bears, Acquittance from Sir William Stewart to Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS II 1604 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Mastership of Bears, Acquittance from Sir William Stewart to Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS II
1604, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Appointment of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn as Masters of the Game. TNA: SP 38/7 1604 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Appointment of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn as Masters of the Game TNA: SP 38/7
c 1607, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Petition of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn to James I. Dulwich College: MS II c 1607 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Petition of Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn to James I Dulwich College: MS II
1607, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Alleyn's Letter to Christopher Goffe. Dulwich College: MS II 1607 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Alleyn's Letter to Christopher Goffe Dulwich College: MS II
1617–19, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Edward Alleyn's Statement of Matters in Dispute with Jacob Meade. Dulwich College: MS II 1617–19 Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse Edward Alleyn's Statement of Matters in Dispute with Jacob Meade Dulwich College: MS II
c 1617–19, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Petition to William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, by Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS II c 1617–19 Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse Petition to William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, by Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS II
1630, Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Books: General. TNA: LC 5/132 1630 Southwark, Bear Garden 4/Hope Playhouse Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Books: General TNA: LC 5/132
1642, Middlesex, Westminster Palace. Journal of the House of Commons. Parliamentary Archives: HC/CL/JO/1/24 1642 Middlesex, Westminster Palace Journal of the House of Commons Parliamentary Archives: HC/CL/JO/1/24

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