Rose Playhouse

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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1593, Hampshire, Southampton. Knaplocke's Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/5 1593 Hampshire, Southampton Knaplocke's Book Southampton City Archives: SC2/6/5
1588, Southwark, Sewers. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court Minutes and Orders. LMA: SKCS/018 1588 Southwark, Sewers Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court Minutes and Orders LMA: SKCS/018
1598, Southwark, Bear Garden 3. Philip Henslowe's Letter to Edward Alleyn. Dulwich College: MS I 1598 Southwark, Bear Garden 3 Philip Henslowe's Letter to Edward Alleyn Dulwich College: MS I
1584/5, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Withens' Assignment of the Little Rose Lease to Henslowe. Dulwich College: Mun 15 1584/5 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Withens' Assignment of the Little Rose Lease to Henslowe Dulwich College: Mun 15
1587, Surrey, Richmond Palace. Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Surrey. TNA: PC 2/14 1587 Surrey, Richmond Palace Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Surrey TNA: PC 2/14
1587, Surrey, Nonsuch Palace. Privy Council Letter restraining Plays. TNA: PC 2/14 1587 Surrey, Nonsuch Palace Privy Council Letter restraining Plays TNA: PC 2/14
1586/7, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Deed of Partnership in the Rose between Henslowe and Cholmley. Dulwich College: Mun 16 1586/7 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Deed of Partnership in the Rose between Henslowe and Cholmley Dulwich College: Mun 16
1588, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1588 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1589, Surrey, Westminster Palace. Privy Council Letters regarding Censorship of Plays. TNA: PC 2/16 1589 Surrey, Westminster Palace Privy Council Letters regarding Censorship of Plays TNA: PC 2/16
1588/9, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1588/9 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
c 1590, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Petition to the Privy Council by Strange's Men. Dulwich College: MS I, box C c 1590 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Petition to the Privy Council by Strange's Men Dulwich College: MS I, box C
c 1590, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Petition to the Lord Admiral by the Watermen. Dulwich College: MS I, box C c 1590 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Petition to the Lord Admiral by the Watermen Dulwich College: MS I, box C
1590, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1590 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
c 1590, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Warrant from the Privy Council. Dulwich College: MS I, box C c 1590 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Warrant from the Privy Council Dulwich College: MS I, box C
1591, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC 2/18 1591 Surrey, Greenwich Palace Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey TNA: PC 2/18
1592, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Letter from the Lord Mayor to Lord Burghley. BL: Lansdowne 71 1592 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Letter from the Lord Mayor to Lord Burghley BL: Lansdowne 71
1592/3, Middlesex, Hampton Court. Order regarding Plague. TNA: PC 2/20 1592/3 Middlesex, Hampton Court Order regarding Plague TNA: PC 2/20
1593, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Articles regarding the Plague for the Privy Council. BL: Lansdowne 74 1593 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Articles regarding the Plague for the Privy Council BL: Lansdowne 74
1593/4, Surrey, Hampton Court. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 1593/4 Surrey, Hampton Court Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002
1595, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 1595 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002
1596, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1596 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1597, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council. LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002 1597 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Privy Council LMA: COL/RMD/PA/01/002
1597, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Middlesex. TNA: PC 2/22 1597 Surrey, Greenwich Palace Privy Council Letter to the JPs of Middlesex TNA: PC 2/22
1596/7, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1596/7 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1597, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1597 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1597/8, Surrey, Whitehall Palace. Privy Council Letter to the Master of the Revels and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC 2/23 1597/8 Surrey, Whitehall Palace Privy Council Letter to the Master of the Revels and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey TNA: PC 2/23
1598, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. St Saviour's Vestry Minutes. LMA: P92/SAV/450 1598 Surrey, Rose Playhouse St Saviour's Vestry Minutes LMA: P92/SAV/450
1598/9, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Lord Admiral's Men Inventories (A). Malone: 'Rise and Progress' 1598/9 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Lord Admiral's Men Inventories (A) Malone: 'Rise and Progress'
1599/1600, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Simon Forman's Casebook. Bodl.: MS Ashmole 236 1599/1600 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Simon Forman's Casebook Bodl.: MS Ashmole 236
1600, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey. TNA: PC 2/25 1600 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Privy Council Letter to the Lord Mayor and JPs of Middlesex and Surrey TNA: PC 2/25
1600, Surrey, Greenwich Palace. Privy Council Order regarding the Restriction of Playhouses. TNA: PC 2/25 1600 Surrey, Greenwich Palace Privy Council Order regarding the Restriction of Playhouses TNA: PC 2/25
1600, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. St Saviour's Vestry Minutes. LMA: P92/SAV/450 1600 Surrey, Rose Playhouse St Saviour's Vestry Minutes LMA: P92/SAV/450
1599/1600, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Warrant from the Lord Admiral. Dulwich College: MS I, box C 1599/1600 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Warrant from the Lord Admiral Dulwich College: MS I, box C
1600, Surrey, Richmond Palace. Warrant from the Privy Council. Dulwich College: MS I, box C 1600 Surrey, Richmond Palace Warrant from the Privy Council Dulwich College: MS I, box C
1601, Surrey, Whitehall Palace. Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey and the Lord Mayor. TNA: PC 2/26 1601 Surrey, Whitehall Palace Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey and the Lord Mayor TNA: PC 2/26
1602/3, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A). BL: Additional MS 11,402 1602/3 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Privy Council Letters to the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A) BL: Additional MS 11,402
1603/4, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1603/4 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1604, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1604 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1605, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Privy Council Letters to the Lord Mayor and the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A). BL: Additional MS 11,402 1605 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Privy Council Letters to the Lord Mayor and the JPs of Middlesex and Surrey (A) BL: Additional MS 11,402
1605, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1605 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1605/6, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1605/6 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018
1606, Surrey, Rose Playhouse. Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court. LMA: SKCS/018 1606 Surrey, Rose Playhouse Surrey and Kent Commissioners for Sewers' Court LMA: SKCS/018

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