coats / cloaks / gowns

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Records Date Location Record Title Shelfmark
1478–9, Hampshire, Southampton. Steward's Accounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/16 1478–9 Hampshire, Southampton Steward's Accounts Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/16
1482–3, Hampshire, Southampton. Steward's Accounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/18 1482–3 Hampshire, Southampton Steward's Accounts Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/18
1492–3, Hampshire, Southampton. Steward's Accounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/23 1492–3 Hampshire, Southampton Steward's Accounts Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/23
1508–9, Hampshire, Southampton. Steward's Accounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/27B 1508–9 Hampshire, Southampton Steward's Accounts Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/27B
1513–14, Hampshire, Southampton. Steward's Accounts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/31 1513–14 Hampshire, Southampton Steward's Accounts Southampton City Archives: SC5/1/31
1607, Hampshire, Southampton. Mayor's Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/7 1607 Hampshire, Southampton Mayor's Book Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/7
1607, Hampshire, Southampton. Assembly Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6 1607 Hampshire, Southampton Assembly Book Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6
1609–10, Hampshire, Southampton. Second Book of Debts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2 1609–10 Hampshire, Southampton Second Book of Debts Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2
1610–11, Hampshire, Southampton. Second Book of Debts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2 1610–11 Hampshire, Southampton Second Book of Debts Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2
1611–12, Hampshire, Southampton. Second Book of Debts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2 1611–12 Hampshire, Southampton Second Book of Debts Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2
1613, Hampshire, Southampton. Second Book of Debts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2 1613 Hampshire, Southampton Second Book of Debts Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2
1614–15, Hampshire, Southampton. Second Book of Debts. Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2 1614–15 Hampshire, Southampton Second Book of Debts Southampton City Archives: SC5/2/2
1615, Hampshire, Southampton. Assembly Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6 1615 Hampshire, Southampton Assembly Book Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6
1632, Hampshire, Southampton. Assembly Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6 1632 Hampshire, Southampton Assembly Book Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6
1640, Hampshire, Southampton. Assembly Book. Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6 1640 Hampshire, Southampton Assembly Book Southampton City Archives: SC2/1/6
1432–3, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlains' Accounts. HRO: W/E1/17 1432–3 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlains' Accounts HRO: W/E1/17
1446–7, Hampshire, Winchester. Chamberlains' Accounts. HRO: W/E1/18 1446–7 Hampshire, Winchester Chamberlains' Accounts HRO: W/E1/18
1562, Hampshire, Winchester. Ordinance Books. HRO: W/B1/1 1562 Hampshire, Winchester Ordinance Books HRO: W/B1/1
1577, Hampshire, Winchester. Ordinance Books. HRO: W/B1/1 1577 Hampshire, Winchester Ordinance Books HRO: W/B1/1
1637/8, Hampshire, Winchester. Coffer Account Book. HRO: W/E6/2 1637/8 Hampshire, Winchester Coffer Account Book HRO: W/E6/2
1616–17, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1616–17 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1619–20, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1619–20 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1620–1, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1620–1 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1622–3, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1622–3 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1629–30, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1629–30 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1633–4, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1633–4 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1638–9, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB VI/1 1638–9 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB VI/1
1639–40, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1639–40 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1640–1, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1640–1 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1640–1, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB VI/1 1640–1 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB VI/1
1641–2, Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough. Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts. NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1 1641–2 Yorkshire North Riding, Scarborough Scarborough Chamberlains' and Churchwardens' Accounts NYCRO: DC/SCB IV/1
1616–17, Staffordshire, Stafford. Thomas Worswicke's Book. STRO: D(W)1721/1/4 1616–17 Staffordshire, Stafford Thomas Worswicke's Book STRO: D(W)1721/1/4

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