This lease of the Little Rose estate between the parishioners and feoffees of Thomasyn Symonds Charity, St Mildred's Bread Street, and John Wallington of London, is for twenty-one years ending Michaelmas 1671. The playhouse was long gone by the mid-seventeenth century but the dimensions of the property are more detailed than previously on record. For further details of seventeenth-century ownership and development of the site, see Bowsher and Miller, Rose and the Globe, pp 77–82.
The stern warning against erecting a playhouse or a bear/bull baiting house without permission reflects ongoing concerns about the previous history of the site, as well as the neighbourhood of the Clink liberty.
single sheet (7 August)
This Indenture made the Seauenth daie of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred and fifty. Betweene Thomas Gosely Edward Dawkins Thomas Steane Iohn Iorden Roger Sayer Thomas Hull Iohn Pettit Ambrose Hussey Thomas Stanley Thomas Hatton Thomas Cary Richard Nolmes Gilbert Keene William Wall Iohn Davis Iohn Smith Giles Longe and Iohn Squire cittizens of London, Parrishoners of the Parrish of St Milldred in Breadstreete London and ffeoffees of and for the Messuage and Lands called the Little Rose on the Banckside within the Parrish of St Savours in the County of Surrey, belonging to the said Parrish of St Milldred of the guifte of Thomazin Simonds heretofore of the same Parrish widdow deceased of th'one part, and Iohn Wallington cittizen and Turner of London of th'other part. witnesseth That they the said ffeoffees with one assent consent and mutuall agreement; for and in consideracion of the summe of ffifty poundes of Lawfull money of England To them of some or one of them, by their order and appointment to and for the vse and behoof of the said Parrish of St Milldred, by the said Iohn Wallington, at & before th'ensealing & deliuery hereof, well & truely paid the receipt whereof they the said ffeoffees doe acknowledge, and thereof & of euery part & parcell thereof, doe clearely acquitt exonerate and discharge the said Iohn Wallington his heires executors & administrators by these presents, and for diuers other good causes & consideracions them herevnto mouing haue demised graunted Leased be taken & to farme Letten & by these presents doe demise graunt Lease betake & to farme Lett vnto the said Iohn Wallington All that their said Messuage or Tenement commonly called or knowne by the name of the little Rose heretofore erected builded & made into divers & seuerall Messuages or Tenements: & also two Gardens to the same adioyning & belonging & all & singular Howses edifices buildings shopps Cellers Sollers Chambers waies passages entryes Gardens Ponds Land soile wharfes profitts commodities heireditaments & appurtenauncs whatsoever therevpon erected standing & being or to the said Messuage or Tenement & other the premisses now belonging or in any wise appurtayning or to or with the same now vsed or occupied, as part parcell or member thereof, or of any part thereof; All which said Premisses are Scittuate Lying and being at or neere the Banckside in the Parrish of St Savours in Southwarke in the county of Surry aforesaid: And contayning in breadth from East to West at the North or vpper end next the Riuer of Thames twenty & three foote of like assize little more or Lesse, & the wharfe all alonge betweene the Little Rose & the said Riuer of Thames contaynes in breadth from North to South Thirteene foote & a half of like assize little more or Lesse; And the same little Rose with the Tenements behind it, & a little yard or back way at the South end thereof, containe in Length from North to South from the vpper end of the Little Rose to the ditch or Common Sewer at the Lower end of the said Tenements: fowerscore & eighte foote of assize Little more or Lesse, & in breadth from east to west at the South or Lower end of the same Tenements twenty & three foote of assize little more or Lesse: And the Garden & entry all alonge downwards vpon the west side containe in Length from North to South, from ye vpper end of the said ditch or common Sewer, downe to another ditch behind a Brick wall now lately erected, & certaine other Tenements parcell of the premisses hereby demised, two hundred three score & eighteene foote of assize little more or Lesse, wherevpon are erected seuerall Tenements & diuers sheads or workhowses for Basketmakers: And the said Garden containeth in Length from North to South on the East side along by a ditch side adioyning to the Lands late of Sir Richard Greenfield knight now in the tenure of Edward Griffin, or his Assignes, fowerscore & eighteene foote of assize Little more or Lesse: and the same Garden entry & ground containe in breadth from East to west at the South or Lower end thereof next the ditch, adioyning to the common High way or Lane there called Mead Lane, betweene the Lands now or late of Thomas Allen & Mathias Allen on the west & the Lands late of Sir Richard Greenfield on ye east one hundred twenty & two foote of assize Little more or Lesse, & in breadth from East to west, at the North or vpper end thereof along by a ditch betweene the Lands of the said Thomas Allen & Mathias Allen on the west, & the Lands late of the said Sir Richard Greenfield on the East, fowerscore & eight foote of assize little more or Lesse at the Lower or south end of which said ditch are two buildings erected contayning Sixe seuerall Tenements: The said Messuage or Tenement: & premisses being by Indenture of Lease dated the Last day of August Anno domini 1629: in the fiueth yeare of the Raigne of our Late Soueraigne Lord King Charles &c: demised & graunted by Ierromy Lawes Peter Hines Ieoffrey Callis Policarpus Dawkins Raphe Kinge Thomas Hawes Thomas Brightwell Nicholas Crisp Thomas Woodford Peter Bridges Iohn Higgins Iohn Graygoose Edmond Thompson & Iohn Box then ffeoffees of & for the said Lands vnto Thomas Warren late cittizen and Grocer of London deceased, for the terme of forty & one yeares, commenced from the feast day of St Michael th'arch Angell which was in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred & thirty At & for the yearely Rent of Twenty pounds of Lawfull money of England thereby reserued, as in & by the said recited Indenture of Lease now assigned vnto the said Iohn Wallington party to these presents, relacion being therevnto had more plainly & at Large appeareth. To haue and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement howses Edifices buildings Gardens Shopps Cellers Sollers Wharfes & all other the premisses by these presents Letten & demised or mencioned ment or intended to bee hereby Letten & demised, with all & singular their appurtinances vnto the said Iohn Wallington his executors administrators & Assignes, from the feast day of St Michael th'arch Angell which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred seauenty & one vnto th'end & terme of twenty & one yeares from thence next ensuing, & fully to bee compleate & ended. yeilding & paying therefore yearely & euery yeare during the said terme of twenty & one yeares Vnto the said Thomas Gasely Edward Dawkins Thomas Steane Iohn Iorden Roger Sayer Thomas Hull Iohn Pettit Ambrose Hussey Thomas Stanley Thomas Hatton Thomas Cary Richard Nolmes Gilbert Keene William Wall Iohn Davis Iohn Smith Gyles Longe & Iohn Squire their heires or Assignes. The yearely rent or Summe of Twenty pounds of Lawfull money of England at fower the most vsuall feasts or termes in the yeare, (videlicet) The ffeasts of the beirth of our Lord God, th'annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of St Iohn Baptist, & St Michael th'arch Angell by euen & equall porcions. And the said Iohn Wallington for himself his executors administrators & Assignes and for every of them doth couenant promise & graunt to and with the said Thomas Gasely Edward Dawkins Thomas Steane Iohn Iorden Roger Sayer Thomas Hull Iohn Pettit Ambrose Hussey Thomas Stanley Thomas Hatton Thomas Cary Richard Nolmes Gilbert Keene William Wall Iohn Davis Iohn Smith Giles Longe & Iohn Squire, & to & with every of them theire heires & Assignes by these presents, in manner & forme following (that is to say) That hee the said Iohn Wallington his executors administrators & Assignes or some of them shall & will at his & their owne propper costs & charges well & sufficiently repaire vphold support sustaine maintaine amend & keepe the said Messuage or Tenement & Tenements howses edifices and buildings now erected or that hereafter shalbee erected vpon the said premisses or any part thereof & all other the premisses with th'appurtenauncs aboue by these presents demised & every part & parcell thereof, in by & with all manner of needfull & necessary reparacions & amendments whatsoever, from time to time when & as often as need shalbee or required during all the said terme: And all the hedges ditches common sewers wharfes bancks walls Staires pauements: & other fences therevnto belonging shall cause to bee well & sufficiently hedged ditched scoured repaired new made paued clensed & amended from time to time as often & when as need shalbee or require during the said terme: And the same demised premisses & euery of them with their & euery of their appurtenauncs so well & sufficiently repaired vpholden supported sustained maintained hedged ditched scowred repaired new made paued clensed & amended in th'end of the said terme of twenty & one yeares or other sooner determination or surceasing of this present demise & Lease (which shall first happen) shall & will quietly Leaue surrender & yeild vp vnto the said Thomas Gasely Edward Dawkins Thomas Steane Iohn Iorden Roger Sayer Thomas Hull Iohn Pettit Ambrose Hussey Thomas Stanley Thomas Hatton Thomas Cary Richard Nolmes Gilbert Keene William Wall Iohn Davis Iohn Smith Giles Longe & Iohn Squire their heires or assignes And further that it shall & may bee Lawfull to & for the said Thomas Gasley Edward Dawkins Thomas Steane Iohn Iorden Roger Sayer Thomas Hull Iohn Pettit Ambrose Hussey Thomas Stanley Thomas Hatton Thomas Cary Richard Nolmes Gilbert Keene William Wall Iohn Davis Iohn Smith Giles Longe & Iohn Squire their heires & Assignes & euery or any of them, with Artificers or workmen in their or any of their companyes or without twice in every yeare yearely during the said terme or oftner, at their or any of their Libbertyes wills & pleasures at convenient times in the day time. To enter & come into & vpon the said demised premisses with th'appurtenauncs or any part thereof, there to view search & see the estate of the reparacions of the same, & of all the decaies or wants of needfull or necessary reparacions new making fencings & amendments as at & vpon any such view or viewes shalbee there found, to giue or Leaue notice monicion or warning in writing at the said demised Messuage or Tenement called the Little Rose or some part thereof to or for the said Iohn Wallington his executors administrators or Assignes to repaire new make fence or amend the same within the time & space of six monthes next ensuing every such notice monicion or warning, so giuen or Left as aforesaid, within which time & space of six months allwaies next after every such notice monicion or warning, hee the said Iohn Wallington for himself his executours administrators & Assignes doth hereby couenant & graunt to & with the said ffeoffees their heires & Assignes & euery of them, well & sufficiently to repaire new make or amend the said premisses & euery of them accordingly without fraud or Longer delay. And also That neither hee the said Iohn Wallington nor his executours administrators or Assignes shall or will at any time or times during the said terme hereby graunted erect or sett vp or procure permit or suffer to bee made erected or sett vp vpon the said demised premisses or any part thereof, any Play howse or any howse or building for Bayting of Bares or Bulls or any such like games or permit or suffer the same or any part thereof to bee vsed or employed to or for any such games or Exercises without the speciall License consent & approbacion of the said ffeoffees & all other the Parrishioners of the said Parrish of St Milldred Breadstreete for the time being, or the maior part of them at a Vestry to bee holden in the same Parrish Church first had & obtained in writing, for the same. Prouided allwaies & if it shall happen the said yearely rent of twenty pounds or any part: thereof to bee behind or vnpaid in part or in all by the space of eight & twenty daies next over or after any feast day of payment thereof abouesaid wherein ye same ought to bee paid (being Lawfully demanded) at the streete doore of ye said Messuage or Tenement: called the little Rose or if the said decaies or Lacks of reparacions new making or fencing of the said demised premisses or any part thereof shall not bee well & sufficiently repaired made fenced & amended from time to time allwaies within the space of six months next ensuing every notice monicion or warning giuen or Left at the said demised premisses according to the true intent & plaine meaning of these presents, or if any place or howse for bare bayting Bull bayting or stage playing or any such like games or exercises shalbee erected or set vp vpon the said demised premisses or any part thereof during the said terme, contrary to the couenant Last aboue named for that purpose: That then & from thenceforth in all or any of these cases it shall & may bee Lawfull to & for the said Thomas Gasely Edward Dawkins Thomas Steane Iohn Iorden Roger Sayer Thomas Hull Iohn Pettit Ambrose Hussey Thomas Stanley Thomas Hatton Thomas Cary Richard Nolmes Gilbert Keene William Wall Iohn Davis Iohn Smith Giles Longe & Iohn Squire their heires & Assignes or any of them into & vpon all & singular the said Messuage Tenement & premisses with th'appurtenancs aboue by these presents demised & into & vpon euery or any part or parcell thereof in the name of the whole, wholy to reenter & the same to haue againe repossess retaine & enioy as in their or any of their former estate or estates And the said Iohn Wallington his executors administrators & Assignes & all other occupiers of the same premisses thereout & from thence vtterly to expell amoue remoue and put out, this Indenture or any thing herein contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. In Witnessewhereof the said Partyes to these Indentures interchangably haue sett their hands and Seales the day and yeare first aboue written./
single sheet (7 August)
This indenture made the seventh day of August in the year of our Lord God, one thousand six hundred and fifty, between Thomas Gosely, Edward Dawkins, Thomas Steane, John Jorden, Roger Sayer, Thomas Hull, John Pettit, Ambrose Hussey, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Hatton, Thomas Cary, Richard Nolmes, Gilbert Keene, William Wall, John Davis, John Smith, Giles Longe, and John Squire, citizens of London, parishioners of the parish of Bread Street, London, parishioners of the parish of St Mildred in Bread Street, London, and feoffees of and for the messuage and lands called the Little Rose, on the Bankside within the parish of St Saviour in the county of Surrey, belonging to the said parish of St Mildred of the gift of Thomasyn Symonds, heretofore of the same parish, widow deceased, of the one part, and John Wallington, citizen and turner of London, of the other part, witnesses that the said feoffees, with one assent, consent, and mutual agreement, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England, to them, of some or one of them, by their order and appointment to and for the use and behoof of the said parish of St Mildred, by the said John Wallington, at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof, well and truly paid the receipt whereof they the said feoffees do acknowledge, and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof, do clearly acquit, exonerate, and discharge the said John Wallington, his heirs, executors, and administrators, by these presents, and for diverse other good causes and considerations them hereunto moving, have demised, granted, leased, be taken and to farm let, and by these presents do demise, grant, lease, betake and to farm let unto the said John Wallington all that their said messuage or tenement commonly called or known by the name of the little Rose, heretofore erected, built, and made into diverse and several messuages or tenements; and also two gardens to the same adjoining and belonging and all and singular houses, edifices, buildings, ships, cellars, sollars, chambers, ways, passages, entries, gardens, ponds, land, soil, wharves, profits, commodities, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever thereupon erected, standing, and being, or to the said messuage or tenement and other premises now belonging, or in any wise appertaining or, to, or with the same now used or occupied, as part, parcel, or member thereof, or any part thereof. All which premises are situate, lying, and being at or near the Bankside in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark in the county of Surrey aforesaid, and containing in breadth from east to west, at the north or upper end next the river of Thames, twenty and three foot of like assize, little more or less, and the wharf all along between the Little Rose and the said river of Thames contains in breadth from north to south, thirteen feet and a half of like assize, little more or less. And the same Little Rose, with the tenements behind it, and a little yard or back way at the south end thereof, contain in length from north to south, from the upper end of the Little Rose to the ditch or common sewer at the lower end of the said tenements, fourscore and eight foot of assize, little more or less, and in breadth from east to west, at the south or lower end of the same tenements, twenty and three foot of assize, little more or less. And the garden and entry all along downwards upon the west side contain in length, from north to south, from the upper end of the said ditch or common sewer down to another ditch behind a brick wall now lately erected and certain other tenements’ parcel of the premises hereby demised, two hundred three score and eighteen feet of assize, little more or less, whereupon are erected several tenements and diverse sheds or workhouses for basketmakers. And the said garden contains in length from north to south, on the east side along by a ditch side adjoining to the lands late of Sir Richard Greenfield, knight, now in the tenure of Edward Griffin or his assigns, four score and eighteen foot of assize, little more or less. And the same garden entry and ground contain in breadth, from east to west at the south or lower end thereof next the ditch adjoining, to the common highway or lane there called Maiden Lane, between the lands now or late of Thomas Allen and Mathias Allen on the west, and the lands late of Sir Richard Greenfield on the east, one hundred and twenty and two foot of assize, little more or less, and in breadth from east to west, at the north or upper end thereof, along by a ditch, between the lands of the said Thomas Allen and Mathias Allen on the west, and the lands late of the said Sir Richard Greenfield on the east, four score and eight foot of assize, little more or less, at the lower or south end of which said ditch are two buildings erected, containing six several tenements, the said message or tenement and premises being by indenture of lease dated the last day of August, anno domini 1629, in the fifth year of the reign of our late sovereign lord, King Charles, etc, demised and granted by Jeremy Laws, Peter Hines, Jeffrey Callis, Polycarp Dawkins, Ralph Kinge, Thomas Hawes, Thomas Brightwell, Nicholas Crisp, Thomas Woodford, Peter Bridges, John Higgins, John Graygoose, Edmond Thompson, and John Box, then feoffees of and for the said lands, unto Thomas Warren, late citizen and grocer of London, deceased, for the term of forty and one years commenced from the feast day of St Michael the Archangel, which was in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and thirty, and for the yearly rent of twenty pounds of lawful money of England thereby reserved, as in and by the said recited indenture of lease now assigned unto the said John Wallington, party to these presents, relation being thereunto had more plainly and at large appears. To have and to hold the said messuage or tenement, houses, edifices, buildings, gardens, shops, cellars, sollars, wharves, and all other the premises by these presents let and demised, or mentioned, meant, or intended to be hereby let and demised, with all and singular their appurtenances unto the said John Wallington, his executors, administrators, and assigns, from the feast day of St Michael the Archangel, which shall be in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seventy and one, unto the end and term of twenty and one years from thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended, yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term of twenty and one years unto the said Thomas Gasely, Edward Dawkins, Thomas Steane, John Jorden, Roger Sayer, Thomas Hull, John Pettit, Ambrose Hussey, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Hatton, Thomas Cary, Richard Nolmes, Gilbert Keene, William Wall, John Davis, John Smith, Giles Longe, and John Squire, their heirs or assigns, the yearly rent or sum of twenty pounds of lawful money of England at four the most usual feasts or terms in the year, (videlicet) [ie, 'namely] the feasts of the birth our Lord God, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and St Michael the Archangel, by even and equal portions. And the said John Wallington for himself, his executors, administrators, and assigns, and for every of them does covenant, promise, and grant to and with the said Thomas Gasely, Edward Dawkins, Thomas Steane, John Jorden, Roger Sayer, Thomas Hull, John Pettit, Ambrose Hussey, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Hatton, Thomas Cary, Richard Nolmes, Gilbert Keene, William Wall, John Davis, John Smith, Giles Longe, and John Squire, and to and with every one of them, their heirs and assigns, by these presents, in manner and form following (that is to say), that he the said John Wallington, his executors, administrators, and assigns, or some of them, shall and will at his and their own proper costs and charges well and sufficiently uphold, support, sustain, maintain, amend, and keep the said messuage or tenement and tenements, houses, edifices, and buildings now erected, or that hereafter shall be erected upon the said premises or any part thereof, and all other the premises with the appurtenances above by these presents demised, and every part and parcel thereof, in, by, and with all manner of needful and necessary reparations and amendments whatsoever, from time to time, when and as often as need shall be or required during all the said term. And all the hedges, ditches, common sewers, wharves, banks, walls, stairs, pavements, and other fences thereunto belonging shall cause to be well and sufficiently hedged, ditched, scoured, repaired, new made, paved, cleansed, and amended from time to time, as often and when as need shall be or require during the said term. And the same demised premises, and every of them with their and every of their appurtenances, so well and sufficiently repaired, upheld, supported, sustained, maintained, hedge, ditched, scoured, repaired, new made, paved, cleansed, and amended in the end of the said term of twenty and one years, or other sooner determination or surceasing of this present demise and lease (which shall first happen), shall and will quietly leave, surrender, and yield up unto the said Thomas Gasely, Edward Dawkins, Thomas Steane, John Jorden, Roger Sayer, Thomas Hull, John Pettit, Ambrose Hussey, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Hatton, Thomas Cary, Richard Nolmes, Gilbert Keene, William Wall, John Davis, John Smith, Giles Longe, and John Squire, their heirs or assignes. And further, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Thomas Gasley, Edward Dawkins, Thomas Steane, John Jorden, Roger Sayer, Thomas Hull, John Pettit, Ambrose Hussey, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Hatton, Thomas Cary, Richard Nolmes, Gilbert Keene, William Wall, John Davis, John Smith, Giles Longe, and John Squire, their heirs and assigns, and every or any of them, with artificers or workmen in their or any of their companies or without, twice in every year, yearly, during the same term or oftener, at their or any of their liberties, wills, and pleasures, at convenient times in the daytime to enter and come into and upon the said demised premises, with the appurtenances, or any part thereof, there to view, search, and see the estate of the reparations of the same, and of all the decays or wants of needful or necessary reparations, new making, fencings, and amendments as at and upon any such view or views shall be there found, to give or leave notice, monition, or warning in writing at the said demised messuage or tenement called the Little Rose, or some part thereof, to or for the said John Wallington, his executors, administrators, or assigns, to repair, new make, fence, or amend the same within the time and space of six months next ensuing, every such notice, monition, or warning, so given or left as aforesaid, within which time and space of six months always next after every such notice, monition, or warning, he the said John Wallington for himself, his executors, administrators, and assigns, does hereby covenant and grant to and with the said feoffees, their heirs and assigns and every of them, well and sufficiently to repair, new make, or amend the said premises and every of them accordingly without fraud or longer delay. And also that neither he, the said John Wallington, nor his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall or will at any time or times during the said term hereby granted, erect or set up or procure permit, or suffer to be made, erected, or set up, upon the said demised premises or any part thereof, any playhouse or any house or building for baiting of bears or bulls, or any such like games, or permit or suffer the same or any part thereof to be used or employed, to or for any such games or exercises, without the special license, consent, and approbation of the said feoffees and all other parishioners of the said parish of St Mildred Bread Street, for the time being, or the major part of them at a vestry, to be holden in the same parish church first had and obtained in writing, for the same. Provided always and if it shall happen the said yearly rent of twenty pounds or any part thereof to be behind or unpaid, in part or in all, by the space of eight and twenty days next over and after any feast day of payment thereof abovesaid wherein the same ought to be paid (being lawfully demanded), at the street door of the said messuage or tenement called the Little Rose, or if the said decays or lacks of reparations, new making or fencing of the said demised premises or any part thereof shall not be well and sufficiently repaired, made, fenced, and amended, from time to time always within the space of six months next ensuing, every notice, monition, or warning given or left at the said demised premises according to the true intent and plain meaning of these presents, or if any place or house for bearbaiting, bullbaiting, or stage playing, or any such like games or exercises shall be erected, or set up upon the said demised premises or any part thereof during the said term, contrary to the convenant last above named for that purpose, that then and from thenceforth in all or any of these cases it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Thomas Gasely, Edward Dawkins, Thomas Steane, John Jorden, Roger Sayer, Thomas Hull, John Pettit, Ambrose Hussey, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Hatton, Thomas Cary, Richard Nolmes, Gilbert Keene, William Wall, John Davis, John Smith, Giles Longe, and John Squire, their heirs and assigns, or any of them, into and upon, all and singular, the said messuage, tenement, and premises, with the appurtenances above, by these presents demised, and into and upon every or any part or parcel thereof, in the name of the whole, wholly to re-enter and the same to have again, repossess, retain, and enjoy as in their or any of their former estate or estates. And the said John Wallington, his executors, administrators, and assigns, and all other occupiers of the same premises thereout and from thence utterly to expel, amove, remove, and put out, this indenture or anything herein contained, to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. In witness whereof the said parties to these indentures interchangeably have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Record title: Lease of the Little Rose Estate
Shelfmark: CLC/119/MS23737/115, no. 4
Repository location: London
7 August 1650; English; parchment; single sheet; 614mm x 450mm; display heading and some display words and phrases; recently conserved, generally good condition, small tear in personal name of endorsement; folded 4 times and filed in white envelope, indented and endorsed at bottom: '<...> Wallington,' addressed on dorse: 'Sealed subscribed & deliuered | in the presence of | Edward Meredith | Humfrey Lewis Scrivenor.'