Prince Edward would become King Edward II on the death of his father, Edward I, in 1307. The prince spent the Christmas holidays of 1302–3 at South Warnborough manor with Sir Roger Pedwardyn, who held the manor from the Crown, while the king resided at Odiham Castle, some three miles to the north (VCH: Hampshire, vol 3, pp 378–82; British History Online, [accessed 5 November 2018]). Wardrobe accounts for the prince show that he rewarded three clerks who came from Windsor to perform an interlude on Epiphany – possibly a play of the Three Kings – and that materials for interludes were purchased in London and brought to Warnborough. The materials included buckram, wire, and most intriguingly, ‘pellibus deargentatis’ (‘silvered hides’), but whether these materials were used to make costumes, props, or something else is not stated. (By policy, REED does not search royal records or include extracts from royal records in the main records text. The records included in this appendix have been selected because they show Hampshire aristocracy involved in dramatic entertainment at an early date.)
f 7 (20 November–19 November)
Minuta pro interludis | Petro de Sparham mercatori Londonie pro vj peciis de Bockeram pretio pecii v s. iiij peciis de Aylesham pretio pecij v s. xij pellibus deargentatis pretio xviij d. xx teysis de Wyr pretio xx d. per ipsum emptis apud Londoniam mense Januarii & cariatis abinde usque Warnborue ad curiam pro quibusdam interludis ibidem factis per principem Liij s. ij d. et pro vno sacco ibidem empto pro eisdem rebus imponendis & custodiendis vj d. per manus proprias apud Londoniam xxo die decembris summa | Liij s. viij d. |
f 19
Quidam clerici | Tribus clericis ville de Wyndesora venientibus usque Warnborne ad curiam pro quibusdam interludis ibidem factis per preceptum Principis in vigilia Epiphanie anno predictis in presencia eiusdem & aliorum magnatum ibidem de dono eiusdem domini in recessu eorundem vijo die Ianuarii | vj s. viij d. |
f 7 (20 November–19 November)
Deducted for interludes | To Peter of Sparham merchant of London for six pieces of buckram at a price of 5s a piece, four pieces of Aylesham at a price of 5s a piece, twelve silvered hides at a price of 18d, twenty toises (ie, approximately 128 feet) of wire at a price of 20d, bought by him at London and carried from there to Warnborough to the court for certain interludes performed there by order of the prince, 53s, and for one sack bought there in which to put and keep the same things, 6d, by his own hands at London, 20 December. In total: | 53s 8d |
f 19
Certain clerks | To three clerks of the town of Windsor coming to Warnborough to the court for certain interludes performed there by order of the prince on the eve of the Epiphany in the presence of the same and other noblemen there from the gift of the same lord on the departure of the same (clerks), 7 January | 6s 8d |
Record title: Wardrobe Accounts of Edward, Prince of Wales
Shelfmark: E101/363/18
Repository location: Kew
1302–3; Latin; parchment; i + 27; 325mm x 215mm; 2 pencilled paginations, neither contemporary nor modern, one at centre bottom of page, one at top right (followed here); no decoration; 8 booklets bound together in parchment binding, title on front: 'Liber Petri de Abyntone: Contraculatoris Garderobe | Principis Wallie de anno | Regni Regis Edwardi presentis sui tricesimo primo.'