Symbols & Abbreviations

A Fête at Bermondsey, c. 1570 (oil on panel), Gheeraerts, Marcus, the Elder (c. 1520-90) / Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, UK / Bridgeman Images
(A) antiquarian
<...> lost or illegible letters in the original
text cancellation in the original
(blank) a blank in the original where writing would be expected
° ° matter in the original added in another hand
⸢ ⸣ text written above the line
⸤ ⸥ text written below the line
caret mark in the original
... ellipsis of original matter
| change of folio, membrane, page, or sheet in continuous text
right-hand marginale
left-hand marginale

BRO Berkshire Record Office
BL British Library
Bodl. Bodleian
CUL Cambridge University Library
CRO Cambridgeshire Archives
HRO Hampshire Record Office
Jervoise of Herriard Collection, HRO Jervoise of Herriard Collection, Hampshire Record Office
LRO Lichfield Record Office
LMA London Metropolitan Archives
NRO Norfolk Record Office
NYCRO North Yorkshire County Record Office
SA Suffolk Archives
STRO Staffordshire Record Office
SRO Suffolk Record Office
TNA The National Archives
WLHC Walsall Local History Centre
WRO Worcestershire Record Office
STC Pollard and Redgrave (eds), Short-Title Catalogue
Wing Wing, Short-Title Catalogue
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